Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Dr. Tofuhead is taking a vacation! I like to put up a new blog post every day, but I realized this morning that it's probably going to be difficult the next few days. As I nurse myself back to some semblance of health after having one of the worst viral colds I've ever met, I'm actually getting on a plane to Paris. It will be a short trip, and I should be back to "Truth in Medicine" in a mere 4 days or so. While in Paris, I'll take notes that may help us all understand health. For example:
1. What's it like to have tons of vacation time, and to have a full-time work week limited to 38 hours, like they do in France?
2. What do the French think of their "Socialized Medicine" system, that provides health coverage for all?
3. Why is it that the French smoke more than Americans, drink more booze than Americans, eat incredibly rich food, and yet live longer than we do and have less coronary disease?
4. Do the French in fact live longer than we do, and have less coronary disease- or is that just a myth?
5. Is there such a thing as "healthy French food?"
These and more wonderfully stimulating topics will be discussed next week when I return. Until then, eat well, sleep long, and get some exercise, dear reader!

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