QUESTION: I thought I had a cold, but it's been two weeks and I'm not any better, so what's wrong with me?
ANSWER: There is no time limit on the common cold. A cold on AVERAGE last 7 days, but they can be as short as a 48-hour illness or as long as a month, in some cases more. Bummer.
QUESTION: How do I know what I have isn't bronchitis?
ANSWER: Bronchitis is a cold. It's just a "chest cold," or a cold with a lot of coughing. It's still a cold, and antibiotics won't help you. But watch out for pneumonia. That can feel like a chest cold, but it will usually give you a fever and it will get worse from day to day.
QUESTION: I've had a cold for a week but I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow and I've got to get better! What can I do?
ANSWER: Nothing.
QUESTION: How can I keep my friends/coworkers/family from getting my cold?
ANSWER: Stay away from them as much as possible, and tell them to wash their hands with soap and water often; especially when you're around.
QUESTION: Will Vitamin C help me get over my cold sooner?
QUESTION: How about chicken soup?
QUESTION: What will happen if I keep smoking cigarettes while I have a cold?
ANSWER: Either your cold will last longer than it would have otherwise, or you'll get pneumonia, or both. A cold is a wonderful time to quit smoking!
QUESTION: When should I see the doctor for a cold?
ANSWER: When you think you might have strep throat, an ear infection, pneumonia, or if you have asthma and your asthma symptoms are getting worse. But don't be shy. It's your body, and if you're worried about it, see your doctor!
I have just scratched the surface with the questions above. The common cold is a huge topic, and if you're a human you've almost certainly had at least one cold this year. So do me a favor: if you have questions or thoughts about colds, post them here as comments!
When asked why joints crack, I summarized by stating, "joints crack because they're joints, and that's what joints do." As a reader pointed out, I should have added, "they also crack to annoy other people."
Patients seem shy about showing me their piercings; not that I ask, but they have a way of showing up during a physical exam. If you have a piercing of any sort, you should know the following:
1) Any doctor who has been in practice for more than 24 hours has seen a load of piercings. And what ever you happen to have pierced, chances are your doctor has seen it before.
2) Doctors know that if you have a piercing, that does not mean you are a drug-user or prostitute. We know that people from all walks of life have piercings.
3) Generally speaking, piercings are not a health hazard in any way. When done correctly, they do not cause or transmit any diseases and they do not usually cause any health problems.
4) If you're worried that your piercing may be infected, don't go back to the place that pierced you. Go to a doctor. We know how to treat infected piercings.
5) Many pierced body parts do NOT seal up again if you take out your piercing for good. So don't pierce anything unless you can live with having a hole there forever.
ANSWER: My brother Randy used to do the pictures, but he has some crazy projects at work going on. After putting in 14-18 hours at work, he needs to sleep and he can't stay up all night adding pictures to the blog. In the near future I'll figure out how to get my own pictures in the blog, or maybe Randy's work schedule will lighten and he can add his pictorial expertise again.
But never fear, sooner or later Dr. Tofuhead will have pictures in the blog!
I have a cold! Last night, "my fever broke" - by which I mean that it felt like it got much worse (I was really hot, sweating, miserable) and then it got much better (and I now feel better than I hav ein several days). But, what does that mean, really? Do fevers "break"? And, if they do, what's happening biophysiologically?
Give a man a fish, he can eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, good luck getting him home in time for dinner nyuk nyuk nyuk! For real though, you have GOT to try and put up some pics! It ain't hard! Plus even if I had the time your um quality-control instincts are so strong that it is hard to meet your editorial criteria and still find it fun. Sorry bro!
Dr. Tofuhead,
I was wondering if you might have any thoughts about probiotics. Magical? Hype? Can they really prevent or treat yeast problems, IBS, regularity, etc? What's the best way to take them?
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