Sunday, May 4, 2008


     Whoa!   It is amusing to have my brilliant brother Randy doing the illustrations to this blog- it allows me to be shocked by my own posts when I see the associated images.   Today's post was foiled by a loss of internet connection for the entire day, and by the fact that I forgot to buy my intended "food of the day" when I went to the supermarket.   You see, I never post information on a food unless I have the actual food in my hand.    I want to do my homework.     When I'm talking about pasta, I want pasta to be there to defend itself if need be.   So now it's 11 PM, and the only food in my hand is water.    And water is saying, "I'm so perfect there is nothing you can say about me that hasn't already been said, except that no one drinks as much of me as they should."  So this is going to be it for Sunday's blog, but we'll be back tomorrow.
      Randy in "imaging:" Can you come up with some images for today that will help readers understand what a "Laker" is?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want to know what a Laker is, it's that thing that keeps beating the crap out of those weak teams you like.