Thursday, May 1, 2008


Readers: I realized at 11PM after I had polished off 3 glasses of wine and 3 episodes of "24" that I had not yet posted the Food of the Day. Then a friend reminded me: when you blog, you don't have to blog every day!
I checked this by going to some of my favorite blogs- blogs much better and more "professional" than mine. Indeed, I was shocked to find that most bloggers DO NOT blog each and every day! In fact, some blogs have no new posts for a WEEK at a time sometimes!
Dr. Tofuhead cannot live with that situation. However, in the interest in having a life outside my blog, some modifications are needed. The new RULES are:
1. Something new will appear on Doctor Tofuhead's Truth in Medicine EVERY DAY, unless he is both out of town, and has not access to an internet connection.
2. The Food of the Day feature will not have a new food every single day. Maybe every other day, or 5 days a week, or something like that.
3. Reader Medical Questions will be answered randomly as they come in, and relatively frequently. So send more!
4. You can leave a READER MEDICAL QUESTION AS A COMMENT ON ANY BLOG ENTRY! You don't need to go back to the blog where I'm soliciting your medical questions. For example, instead of commenting on the Food of the Day, at the bottom of that post, just put in your totally unrelated medical question.
5. PRODUCT OF THE WEEK will appear on average once a week.
6. A new feature, "READING OF THE WEEK," will start later this week. It will feature some good medical book or literature that has been personally read and reviewed by me so that I can certify its "Truth and Usefulness."
7. Doctor Tofuhead will not put images on his blog, since his brother Randy does such a DAMN good job of that! But you can still comment on the photos because Randy works on this blog also, and he can answer your questions as well.
8. NEW BENEFIT: a few other doctors I work with are now reading this blog, and helping me answer the questions that are too tough for me. I will give them due credit if they do most of the work answering your medical question. They also check my facts to make sure I'm not lying to you. So now: Dr. Tofuhead's blog is "PEER REVIEWED!" AWESOME!!!!


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