Happy Weekend!
Starting today, I will feature a new item every Saturday: the "Product of the Week." Of course, "Food of the Day" will continue as well.
Despite being a pseudo-environmentalist, Dr. Tofuhead is materialistic as hell. I love to shop and buy shit, especially if it's cheap. I love to come home from the Salvation Army with bagloads of bric-a-brac crap we don't need and tell my wife, "look how much money I just saved!" She loves it.
So in that spirit, every week I will feature a product that you can go out and buy, which I believe will actually IMPROVE your health and well-being, even if it does not improve your savings account.
If you are into fashion, you probably despise the ubiquitous gaudy-colored foam-plastic clogs called Crocs, which are seemingly sold everywhere. But the joke is on you, because if you are not wearing a pair right now, your feet are pissed off at you. Why? Because the root of most foot pain is "pronation," a state in which the feet are flat, medially rotated, cramped at the front, and minimally supported at the arch. The vast majority of shoes enhance pronation, and chronically pronated feet get worse even with walking barefoot. Pronation of the foot leads to most of the foot problems you have heard of: bunions, plantar fasciitis, painful corns, collapsed arches, Achilles tendonitis, and arthritis of the foot and ankle.
So how do those hideous Crocs combat pronation of the foot? Simple. They accomplish the 3 things a shoe must do in order to relieve the foot from pronation:
1. They raise the heel with respect to the forefoot, but a critical quantity: 1/4 to 1/2 inch.
2. They provide soft yet stable arch support.
3. They have a wide "toe box," the anterior portion of the shoe, which allows the toes to spread out and support you in stable fashion with walking.
That's why you need Crocs. Before I finish, let me summarize the full story.
-They are very cheap, especially since they last a long time.
-They are machine washable and dry quickly. You can wear them in the shower!
-They correct pronation of the foot (see above).
-They are soft enough to be comfortable, especially after a few hours in other shoes.
-Because they are not snug on the foot, they are not very stable at staying on. They are not appropriate shoes to run in or to wear in crowds, unless you enjoy falling.
-You may look like a dork when wearing them.
-They are the #1 shoe most likely to get stuck in escalators. DON'T LET YOU KIDS WEAR THEM WHEN GOING ON ESCALATORS!
-The soft sole can easily be punctured by nails, glass shards, thorns, sticks, and sharp rocks.
-The non-vented styles are not super breathable. Get the ugly ones with holes in them or you'll have sweaty feet.
Even if you get a pair and hate them, so what? You're only out 30 bucks!
If you want to make your non-attractive crocs slightly more attractive (for kids), you can "collect" gibitz (the technical term for those tiny little trinkets that fit in the holes of your crocs). Note: these are too small to fit in the holes of adult-sized crocs. Dr. Tofuhead has tried them, and left them scattered in the lawn...
Yo Dr. Hobohead -
I changed it so now anybody can comment. Cool!
Yer bro
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